
Upcoming events

Parenting Village Sibling Support Circle

Attention Siblings of kids with special needs!!!  Join us on the first Tuesday of every month at 5:30pm at the Webster Rec Center for music, games, FOOD, and fun!! We are hoping the kids who attend will build themselves a community. 

Parenting Village Parent Support Circles

Please join us on the second Wednesday of every month for an Early Intervention/Preschool Special Education Support Circle on Zoom! Make yourself a cup of tea, cuddle up on the couch under a blanket and lets support each other! We are here to help you build your village. 

Parent Connection Playdate

We can't wait to meet up with you to play together at the Lincoln Branch Library Toy Library!! Come play with your child, ask questions of volunteer Speech Therapists, Physical Therapists, or Occupational Therapists. Come play on the gross motor toys that you can take home just like you can borrow a book (for THREE WHOLE WEEKS!!). Fine motor, gross motor, games, puzzles, car tracks...the Toy Library has it ALL!!! Also, you don't have to return toys back to the Lincoln Branch Library, you can return them to your home Monroe County Branch and they'll send them back to the Toy Library!!

Parent Connection


In person playdate alternating between the east side, west side and Roc center city to meet up with PHP, Parenting Village, and Step by Step along with other families to share resources and have fun!

Parent Connection


Online webinar for parents at 8pm after the kids have gone to sleep. Bi-monthly purposeful programming delivered by therapists and specialists in a variety of areas related to child development. Recordings of previous topics are available online and include feeding difficulties, sleep trouble, and even toddler language development. 

Past events

In person Parent Connection playdate in Webster

Webster Rec Center donated the space and equipment for this playdate! It was so fun!

Proclamation from Monroe County Legislature

Parents Helping Parents Coalition of Monroe County was awarded a proclamation from the Monroe County Legislature for all of our work related to Early Intervention and Preschool Special Education advocacy!

Job Fair at Bryant and Stratton

Parents Helping Parents table at a job fair at Bryant and Stratton in Greece to discuss the need for EI and PSE providers in Monroe County

Adam Bello was at Schottland YMCA

PHP Advocating for an 11% increase for EI and PSE 

Legislature Meetings

PHP showing up to monthly Monroe County Legislature meetings and speaking on the need for the passing of Covered Lives legislation and more funding for Early Intervention and Preschool Special Education reimbursement rates. 

Our first parade! We marched in the women's suffrage parade to spread awareness of the need for increased funding for EI and PSE.

PHP collaborating with Step by Step and The Childrens Agenda for a letter writing campaign to advocate for the Covered Lives legislation.

PHP in Albany dropping off thousands of letters in support of the Covered Lives bill.

Library meetup with Jen Lundsford to discuss things that local families need from our local and state representatives